Lunch break près d’une supérette avec des avocats incroyable et une dame qui nous a offert des jus de clémentine pressés

19th of OCTOBER 2022
Coroglen (Māori: Ōunuora) is a locality in the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. It lies on State Highway 25, 18 kilometres south of Whitianga and 26 kilometres north west of Tairua.[3][4] The « Tapu-Coroglen Road », a windy gravel road, connects it across the Coromandel Range with Tapu on the west coast of the peninsula.
The town was founded as « Gumtown » in the late 19th century with a kauri sawmill, later becoming an important location in the kauri gum trade.[5][6] In the early 1900s, Gumtown had three stores, a bakery, a butcher’s, a bootmaker, a blacksmith, a hotel, two boarding houses, and a billiard saloon.[7] Currently, Coroglen has a tavern (famous for live music performances), a school, a pre school and a community garden.