On reprend la route pour Christchurch ! Après avoir bien monté les derniers jours on a enfin quasi que de la descente .. Trop cool ! Mais encore un vent de face qui nous freine un petit peu Avant de partir du Lake Tekapo on boit un dernier café avec Soline et Thomas (c’est triste parce qu’on se reverra sûrement que dans quelques années !) Arrivée à Fairlie vers 14 h on joue à pile ou face pour savoir si on dors en tente ou en dur et c’est la tente qui gagne au grand malheur de Martin ^^! Et d’ailleurs vu la pluie un toit aurait bien fait plaisir

Fairlie is a Mackenzie District service town (or township) located in the Canterbury region of the South Island of New Zealand. The estimated population was 930 as of June 2022.[3] Being on state highway 8 between Christchurch (182 km, 2 hours 20 minutes drive) and Queenstown (300 km 3.5 hours drive), tourism is fast becoming a major industry within the town. Kimbell is 8 km west of Fairlie via state highway 8. Geraldine is 45 km east via state highway 79 and Timaru is 58 km southeast of Fairlie via state highway 8. Fairlie sits at an altitude of 301 metres above sea level.[4]
From 1884 to 1968, the town was served by the Fairlie Branch railway,[5][6] though until 1934, this branch line actually terminated a kilometre beyond Fairlie in Eversley.
Fairlie is commonly known as the gateway to the Mackenzie Basin.[7][8] The town was initially called Fairlie’s Creek, a name purportedly chosen by David Hamilton, the brother-in-law of James Lister (or Lizter), who had built a boarding house near the creek. The name Hamilton had been suggested, but was rejected due to similarity to the City of Hamilton in the North Island. David Hamilton suggested the town be named Fairlie after Fairlie, Scotland, which he had visited as part of his honeymoon.[9] After 1892, the town’s name was shortened to Fairlie.[10]
The Opihi River runs past Fairlie.