Départ de Okawa assez tardif mais aujourd’hui on a une petite journée On fait un petit détour par Nugget Point , le fameux phare qui donne sur plein de « Nuggets » Déjeuner avec la vue avant de reprendre la route pas simple mais magnifiques jusqu’à KAKA point ! Petit repos à la plage dans l’après midi et Martin pars jouer avec les vagues

14 JANUARY 2023
Kaka Point is a small town at the northern edge of The Catlins, an area of the southern South Island of New Zealand. It is located 14 km south of Balclutha and 8 km north of the headland of Nugget Point. It has a seasonally fluctuating population, and there are numerous cribs (holiday homes) at the settlement. The settlement’s best known resident was Māori poet Hone Tūwhare, who lived in Kaka Point for many years until his death in 2008. Kaka Point is named for the kākā bird, whose signature call is « ka-aa. »
There is a restaurant, a motel, bed and breakfasts and camping grounds.[3]