Dernière journée de kayak
Une belle mer d’huile pour commencer la journée mais un peu plus houleux dans l’aprèm
C’est moi qui ait les pédales cette fois ci pour mieux diriger
Pas de canards pour notre repas du midi mais un oiseaux qui n’a pas d’ailes ( on a pas encore découvert ce que c’est )

18th November 2022
Marlborough District or the Marlborough Region (Māori: Te Tauihu-o-te-waka, or Tauihu), commonly known simply as Marlborough, is one of the 16 regions of New Zealand, located on the northeast of the South Island. Marlborough is a unitary authority, both a district and a region. Marlborough District Council is based at Blenheim, the largest town. The unitary region has a population of 51,900 (June 2022)[1].
Marlborough is known for its dry climate, the Marlborough Sounds, and Sauvignon blanc wine. It takes its name from the earlier Marlborough Province, which was named after General The 1st Duke of Marlborough, an English general and statesman.[3]